Monday, October 26, 2009

R&V 2009 - Bionic Pixie

Bionic Pixie
is the alter-ego of Auckland musician Zoe Fleury. The gimmick is that Bionic Pixie is a space cadet sent from the year 3000 to "heal the ache of love lost" in our world by creating music to synch the hearts of all those who listen, to the rhythm of her heartbeat. I enjoy this gimmick, not only for the entertaining backstory, but also because I feel like Bionic Pixie has what it takes - that if she really was a space-aged saviour figure she would one day return home to the year 3000 with a sideways smile to proclaim "mission accomplished!"

There is a captivating cuteness about 'Pixie's' performance that has a subliminal (extra-terrestrial, perhaps?) power to get toes tapping, and bodies grooving. Her fusion of electro-pop, hip-hop, and punk is energizing and original; set apart from the inundation of bandwagon bandits in this era of post-pop. Having already supported international acts Peaches and The Kills, Bionic Pixie are going to be out to make a mark at their debut Rhythm & Vines performance. They will leave your heart beating to a new (and potentially faster) rhythm. 

Here's a mini-doco on Bionic Pixie

And to check out the tunes head to -

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